January 29, 2017 WOG

Skilled and Filled

God placed a “stirring” and “skill” throughout his people when they were creating the first tabernacle for the Lord in the desert in Exodus. He purposefully filled people with the spirit so they would have the skills they needed to get the job done. Why would God have to fill them with the skill you ask? Because they did not previously have the skill.

Think about the artists you see today. Musicians, painters, sculptors, writers that all work hard at their skill… practicing, failing and succeeding. Think of a task you were handed where you had to “learn” a new skill in order to get the job done or maybe just learn a new computer program. I mean, really, do we need to upgrade our phones so fast? I just figured out how to text on my phone and then it gets placed somewhere else on the phone!

We can all relate.

It’s not easy. It’s laborious… and also why so many people decide to go back to flip phones. But God did not need people with years of practice and labor. He simply gave the skill, anointed his people and called them out. Not only that, but it states that those that were not anointed with skill were “moved” or “stirred” by the spirit to give for the building project.

Now let’s think about us today. You see, God had to specifically send the skill or stirring of the Spirit because his son had not yet left the gift of the Spirit behind for Israel yet. But He has for us!

Israel completed the whole sanctuary before the spirit was available as it is now, already dwelling within us. Because of what Christ has done, we already have the “stirring” and “skill” available. We just need to call upon the name of the one who can give it to us!

Let’s allow God stir our hearts to the point where we have to say throughout our encampment “let no man or woman do anything more for the contribution for the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing” Lev 36:6-7.

I pray we are all filled with God’s stirring and skill to the point the we will have to restrain ourselves from too much of it! And God is prepared to do that for us if only we ask. Oh Lord, to know that you have already given us “everything we need beyond what we can even ask or imagine according to Your power (or spirit) that is at work within us “(Eph 3:20). What a mighty God we serve.

– Melissa Onabajo

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