God’s grace is for everyone, and we believe in partnering with Him by taking his message to our community and the world.
School Supply Drive July 15th – August 5th
Our School Supply Drive kicks off on July 15th, and it runs through August 5th at church as we partner with Geauga Country Job and Family Services. It’s an amazing chance to serve in multiple ways. You can grab some supplies from the list the next time you go to the store, and you can also help hand those supplies to families in need with us in August.
Ministering To Those In Prison With True Freedom Ministries
True Freedom Ministries is an amazing local organization that serves those who are homeless, incarcerated, addicted and in great need across Northeast Ohio. There are a number of ways to serve on the team and if you are interested, please let us know and we will get you plugged in!

Nourish With “Take Them A Meal”
We all need nourishment to live healthy lives – spiritually, emotionally and physically. When someone in our community has a need for food assistance, whether a new mother, hospitalized members or the bereaved, we want to share the love of Christ with them by providing their food needs. If you would like to get involved, even if you can supply one meal to a person or family in need, don’t wait. Get signed up today!

Make sure to keep an eye out for more awesome outreaches in the coming months, from helping local charities to feeding the hungry. It’s an amazing thing when the Tribe of Jesus comes together to show the world His love, and we are so excited to continue doing that as a church family. Use the “Serve” button above to let us know you’re interested in helping us BE THE CHURCH!