Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
– Matthew 28:19 NIV
David and Lauren Perdan Toyko, Japan
The hometown kid, David grew up in our church community, and was educated at Agora Collge, where he met Lauren, and then they got married at Word of Grace! God has opened an incredible door of ministry for them among the deaf of Tokyo, Japan. You wouldn’t believe us if we told you all the unique ways God has prepared the Perdans for this open opportunity, nor would you believe the way God has paved the way for them to reach a hurting and disregarded people with the Good News of a loving savior.
Halle Thompson Rennes, France
Halle is the longest standing missionary contact that we have. She has been speaking life into the student population in Rennes, France for years with her CRU base, called Agape in France! In a modern, westernized culture that is largely atheistic or agnostic, she and her team continue to share the light of Christ with university students on a daily basis.
Jared and Kayla Phillips Guatemala
FIA Ministries
Jared and Kayla serve with FIA Ministries in the heart of Guatemala. They have a multi-focused approach to ministry that serves the community in a holistic manner, including educational efforts, medical services, evangelism and building projects. Married in 2016, Jared and Kayla have committed their lives to the work of God in Guatemala, where Kayla grew up as a missionary.
OneHope Global
The simple mission of OneHope is “God’s Word. Every Child.” For 30 years they have been leading the way in developing ways of reaching children around the world with the life-giving good news of Jesus. They partner with Life.Church in America to bring our children the curriculum and materials that make up the Bible App for Kids we use in our Holywood and Arkland Ministries, but the global impact they have had is astounding. Currently active in 112 countries and 140 different languages, they have reached over a billion children with God’s word and each minute 213 more hear about Jesus because of this ministry.
The Agora Group Colombia and Southeast Asia
Randy and Becky Young
The Agora Group is the overarching organization that has mobilized missions movements among young people all over the world, and blessed Word of Grace with many student leaders over the years. On a wider level, Agora is actively training indigenous leaders to share the gospel with unreached tribes in Colombia and tribal areas in Southeast Asia. Many in our community have been blessed by the ministry of Randy and Becky Young as they have shared great stories with us over the years and poured into many of our students.
True Freedom Ministries Northeast Ohio
True Freedom Ministries is located in Northeast Ohio, and dedicated to reaching Ohio’s prisoners, homeless, and addicted with the truth of God’s Word and the True Freedom found only in Jesus Christ. They run multiple programs throughout the area, and we have even been able to join them in ministering to inmates on death row south of Columbus. If you are drawn to working with those who are often over- looked, please let us know and we would love to hook you up with our frienmds at True Freedom.
Harvest Time Ministries Peru and Northeast Ohio
Mark and Cynthia Seenarine
Mark and Cynthia Seenrine have been in ministry together for over 50 years and have seen incredible things. They have been pastors, evangelists, leaders of revivals and more. They also served us as a church as interim pastors and care pastors in 2016 and 2017. They continue to serve the body across the states and beyond in speaking and evangelism opportunities that the Lord opens for them.
The XXXXXXXXX Family Horn of Africa
In a part of the world that is famous for persecution and martyrdom, we will not be revealing the location or name of this precious family, but they have chosen to sow their lives into spreading the gospel and hope among people that live with adramatically different worldview than our own. If you would like more information, please speak directly to one of our pastors. Above all else, please continue to pray for this family, their team, and that the kingdom would be taken forward by the work of their hands.
Mrs. XXXXXXX Eurasia
She could have headed toward a comfortable retirement stateside, but this incredible woman of God has given the last two decades of her life to build the kingdom in a different culture, in a part of the world we call Eurasia. Again, for the safety of our missionary and their family, we will not reveal the location or the name, but please continue to cover this precious lady in prayer.
The XXXXXXXX Family Southeast Asia
A precious family that is leading the way and pioneering new methods of spreading the gospel in a closed country, our friends will remain nameless and their location unspecified for protection. Please continue to cover their efforts in prayer and pray for an abundant harvest and laborers to join them.
The XXXXXXXX Family Southeast Asia
Another incredible family is breaking news ground for the Good News in the Buddhist world in a formerly war-torn nation of Southeast Asia that is not open to the Gospel. Their location and names will not be shared publicly for their protection, but we invite you to pray for their peace and well-being. Even more importantly, pray that the Lord would strengthen them and produce incredible fruit through their ministry.
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation” – Isaiah 52:7 NIV
We are thrilled to partner with all of our missionaries and love to hear their stories. If you would like to know more of how you can get involved, or stay abreast of opportunities to go on missions trips, get in touch with Pastor Ryan at