A diverse and vibrant community with Christ at the center, we are committed to building life-giving relationships and living out the grace we’ve found in Jesus. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we are serious about loving God, valuing each other and carrying hope to our community. We would love for you to come check us out and join us as we grow together.
We believe in the Bible – the living and active, authoritative and valuable Word of God. We believe in one true God who is a constant reflection of relationship and love as three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – each unique in responsibility, but equal in power. We believe that although we have each sinned, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who was 100% God and 100% man, has covered our sin and enabled us to live in relationship with God and with each other by his grace. It is the hope of this grace that we carry everyday as we follow Christ’s example – Love God. Love Others.
Harbor Lights
There is a legend of an old Italian harbor that is one of the most dangerous ports for ships to enter in the night. With shallow waters, a narrow channel mouth, and rocks and breakers on either side, the harbor had claimed many ships over the years, so a system for navigating its treacherous waters was created. Three unmissable lights were posted on poles in the water at different heights and distances for captains to use. When they approach the harbor correctly, all three lights will line up perfectly. If the approach angle is off, they will see multiple lights and can adjust their course. For Word of Grace and the calling of God on our community, we believe he has also given us three harbor lights to guide us on the journey. If at any point, we focus only one one or two of these things, we know we are getting off course. Instead, each is given equal focus and brought into alignment as we continue to follow Jesus together.
Our world is constantly forming us with ideas and ideologies, whether we’re paying attention or not. We recognize that there is a battle going on for our attention and we choose to let ourselves be formed by the Word of God, actively following the ways and Jesus and becoming formed into His likeness. Individually and collectively, we believe that Spiritual Formation is our responsibility and strive to grow in the Ways of God.
We believe that the Gospel is the best news and that the church is Jesus’ vessel to reach our world with that news, so we dedicate ourselves to picking up the mantle He left us. Whether in our backyard on a daily basis or around the world, we respond to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment of our Lord, loving on people and introducing them to the Savior wherever and whenever we can.
We know that the things Jesus has in mind for us are beyond our natural reach, but His strength is made perfect when we trust Him in our weakness. His promise is this – as we choose to follow Him and dedicate ourselves to His Mission, we will never lack His Presence or His Power. Missionary Hudson Taylor said it best – “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” The Holy Spirit is our power and our guide and we rely on the Presence of God and long for closeness to Him.
Our Code
Grace is for everyone – No, it’s not fair, but God’s grace is something we give away freely because we received it freely. We are not perfect, but the Grace of God is, and we choose to “major on the majors and minor on the minors”, creating a place where anyone can belong, even before they decide what they believe.
It’s not about us – First and foremost, everything we do is about bringing glory to God. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we take His kingdom and message very seriously. It’s not about us, but about Him and about those who need to find His love.
Creativity in everything – From our worship expression to the messages and teaching throughout the week, we value the imagination and creativity God has entrusted us with and strive to honor him with the gifts he has given.
Discipleship Driven – Jesus’ final command was to make disciples, and we don’t think it was a mere suggestion. Discipleship is a hallmark of genuine community, and we intentionally carve out opportunities to mentor and be mentored.
True Family – Families can get a bit messy, and we could not be more proud to have 5 generations represented at Word of Grace. Ours is a place for families of all ages and backgrounds, races and giftings. We believe in household salvation – that God is at work to reach every family member with His unstoppable love. And we empower youth, giving the keys to the next generation and raising them to lead.
We’re all in – We’re not a group of benchwarmers, but believe that every member of the house has an area they are called to serve with passion and excellence.
It’s not for everyone – We don’t try to please everyone, and we know some people won’t get it, but we are passionate about what God is doing here and make no apologies for it. We choose to focus on where God is leading and not follow every rabbit trail.
We start with WHY – because Jesus did. His every action was an expression of His purpose, and in the actions we take, we choose to begin with our vision to see the lost and marginalized reconnect with God, their family and their community. Running in circles to do a lot of activity can be exhausting, so we don’t aim for a lot of output, but for God-ordained outcomes.
The Story Matters – A beautiful and changing collection of stories that God is weaving together, we are a Storytelling Church, and we value and honor those stories in our community and strive to tell them as an act of worship.
Give, Go, Pray – We believe the Bible sets forth a dynamic model for us to follow as believers. We give of our time, talent and treasure, we go into our community and world to share what God has done, and we pray together for Jesus Christ to transform our families and our city.
We exist to love on God with all that we are and to share His Grace with everyone
We dream for a day when…
- Every person who calls Word of Grace home is actively making disciples of Jesus where He has planted them
- We baptize 100 people in a single day
- We give $100,000 per year to missions and ministry work serving the poor and sharing the gospel across our city and across our world
- We see the end of the opioid epidemic in Northeast Ohio
- We launch a self-funding, shared-economy space that blesses the community spiritually and economically
- The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God
- There is one true God
- Jesus is the Son of God
- Sin separates us from God
- Salvation comes through Christ alone
- The Church is the Body of Christ
- The Ordinances of the Church, Water Baptism and Holy Communion, are important for every believer
- The Holy Spirit is essential to Christian life
- There will be a future judgment and eternal life
For more detailed information on what we believe, click here.
Word of Grace is an interdenominational tribe of people from many backgrounds and is strategically affiliated with the Assemblies of God (AG).