When I was in high school we were asked to submit quotes from famous people for a flip-book that would be handed out at graduation. The previous summer I had been blessed to go on a short term mission to Mexico and I had been hungrily reading my Bible for the last year. When this request came up I had little hesitation in knowing I wanted to quote something from the Bible. I chose one of most famous verses in Proverbs that has continued to inspire me for the many years since then.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

I would guess that everyone has a book of the bible that really resonates with their personality. Some identify with the lovingly poetic crafting of the Psalms, others the book of John and its beautiful message of love. While I adore both of those books as I do all the books of the Word of God, the one book that I have connected most with my entire life as a Christian has been the book of Proverbs. I know that I need the book of Proverbs as a reminder of how easy it is to fall into folly. Being easily distracted I must regularly return to this wonderful book, read the same passages over again and enjoy the conviction or inspiration that once again align my path with the origin of all wisdom.

Like a bell ringing that vibrates my whole being, the words of wisdom found in Proverbs show me a message from the Father who is concerned that I have understanding, that I continue to grow in knowledge or Him and His ways. Trouble will come, we all know that, but the book of Proverbs asks the question “do we want to make more trouble for ourselves by falling into folly or do we seek out wisdom from above to help us avoid those mistakes of our own hand”. Already I am excited about this next couple of weeks as we dive into my favorite book and get a chance to read together and to trust our God to show us wisdom as we submit to His plans for our lives.

– Jeff Gilbert

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